Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Visual Language- Study Task 2 - Captain Character- Character Design & Professional Practice- Bringing the Character to Life

Character Design & Professional Practice-

Bringing the Character to Life

This stage is not done through the animating, it is done through the extensive amounts of research, designing and redrawing the same character to build them into something amazing. To get the audience to get attached to your character, you have to get attached till they are seen as almost a real character to you. This is why Pixar, Disney and Dreamwork's are always seen as the main animation company, they create a story and characters that stick with the audience for generations, this clearly shows that the stage of designing is one of the most important. They need to spend so much time getting the character as good as possible for the animation team to make them into something great.

I have found many images showing how the process of designing the character of UP were very extensive. As you can see, the  concept designers and character designs constantly change because the overall look had not been found yet. This is why they spend so long doing it. Carl could have been thin, tall and some with colourful blond hair. This really would have been different from the character they chose but he would have been lacking in the overall feel you got from the typical grumpy small old man that they chose who pulled on children's and adults heart strings so much.

I love this stage because of the possibilities that can come of going out of the box and designing different characters as anything could be the end result but you dont know till you try them all. This also shows what each designers work looks like, each one has a different look to it but you can clearly see they all belong to the same movie and are the same concept of character, this also helps the people who make the final call, look at what can be achieved and which ones look the best.

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