Saturday, 19 November 2016

Character & Narrative- Week 5- Continued Development

Week 5- Continued Development 

This week I developed what the setting of the graveyard is going to look like. I did this digitally so i could do a quick sketch and build it up, I find i am still more comfortable doing sketches digitally so I am thinking of doing the background digitally, but I might test out some watercolour, pastel and chalk designs too.
Here i started planning out the props that are the headstones for the graveyard to make the characters fit into the scene so they aren't alone, this will allow the audience to believe the world and not question it and the content. As graveyards tend to include many eras I have thought of different designs, so the scene can seem more authentic. Here are also some basic designs of fence posts becuase depending on the characters overall size, they can either hide behind the larger fence posts or a tree that could be in the graveyard. As i am building them i will think more on this idea and try to develop it further in my mind so i know exactly what i want and need in the scene.

Here are the finalised deigns done digitally, this was to show myself colours and what the designs could look like. As they are being built texture really aids realistic props, this is why this will be a priority when designing, building and finishing the set overall. For it to end up being flat and lifeless would not work for what I am wanting it to look like.
This is the finalised character turn around for the male character Vincent. As he is from the Victorian era, his clothing makes him look like a gentleman which is what is needed for the love story to come out better. As they are a couple he is wearing the same clothing era style, as well as being slightly taller than her as he stands at 7 1/2 heads. Im happy with the overall design and compared to last year, my personal improvement in character design has really helped me in creating characters i'm more proud to show.
This is the female skeleton sheet of Belle. As you can see she is brighter in colour than Vincent the male. It took a long time to decide upon a good colour scheme for her but this suited her much better than others in the colour sheet. This shows she is also 6 1/2 head height compared to his 7 1/2 head height, so he it taller but not too much so. This sheet can be a reference for when i build the characters out of wire, plasticine and fabric.
These are the final couple together. My next step after planning a little more will be to build these up into stop motion puppets. This will be hard as they will be small and delicate but I wanted to try and do at least one stop motion this year so hopefully this will be a great learning experience where i can experiment building and being a lot more hands on.

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