Monday, 15 May 2017

Applied Animation- Finishing Filming- Week 15

Finishing Filming- Week 15

After the mother leaves, we have time lapses where the crisp packets come in to symbolise the industry cutting down and killing the forest and Orangutan's just for a pointless ingredient in food which we could get locally.  This image is from the first scene after his mother has gone where he is asleep and the leaves all change around him.
For this we really worked as a team, one of us taping, the other placing and the other sticking so this really helped us to move quicker than if we were on our own as it was a joint effort that we all took part in, same for the most of this project and animating. 

This image is from when he has woken up, after a close-up of him blinking and slowly realising what is around him. As you can see we have shown so many different colours and labels within this scene to further our abstract animation and the symbolism we are trying to get across.

After the leaves have changed, the tree begins to fill with smoke and shows they are setting the tree, and whole forest on fire. As we had such negative feedback from when we used cotton wool for smoke the last time, we tried really hard to make it look different this time, and hoped that context of what was happening and sound would make it obvious to the audience. This is why we started out a lot slower, and showed the smoke seeping in through the nest and leaves, like it would in real life. So we thought this looked a whole lot better than before when we did this, so we have learnt from the last time to take it slow.
Here is what it looks like further away to show how the smoke does look like it is coming up through the base and rising up around our character. With the shots we are doing, we are also showing him to be small and alone to further the isolation and loss that he would be feeling. As well as in real life as the mothers are killed first as they are seen as a threat.
To give Louie some movement, we have also shown him to be covering his eyes and showing he is scared of what is happening, but also about where his mother has gone. So this, when shown to peers, really had an impact and they felt really sad after seeing this as he is a baby in distress. Which meant we were doing an effective documentary for sustainability as it is leaving an impact on our viewers.
For the end scene with the inside of the tree, I had the idea to build the smoke mainly up the front, becuase the camera would see it as the whole set, so me and one of the team built a delicate wall up the front and placed the camera in front of it so the close-up could be of the baby and have the smoke coming up to fully cover him. As this will cut to white, as if the smoke has fully covered him and humans have killed him from fire and smoke.
This is just an image to show how perspective really changes how you see something. This is the smoke wall but it looks like the set if fully filled with smoke, so this was something we really learned throughout this whole process. Like placing the nesting at the front, so the puppets weren't on any, but it looked like they were. So quite a few times, we were able to use illusions and perspective tricks to show the audience more than what we had.
This was the last stage before we had all of the clips together, ready to go edit them. So we packed up and got all of the image sequences together in High quality, ready to bring into After Effects and Premier to see what we needed to change and what they all looked like together. So this was an exiting stage, and I was so happy at how well we worked and how well we worked as a team within these last two weeks to film everything we have and produce all of the different scenes. So after editing we will add sound, credits and opening logos etc, and then see what people think, and see what changes need to be made.

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