Thursday 19 October 2017

Extended Practice- Study Task 5 - Production Blog

Study Task 5 - Production Blog

The blog this year is to selectively document & reflect on Portfolio Building and Projection mapping tasks.

The MAXIMUM word count for the Blog is 2000 words -be concise and clear - utilise bullet points to highlight moments

4 x Blog Posts for the PROJECTION MAPPING BRIEF ( Study Task 3 ) 
  • Collaboration
  • Solutions
  • Testing we went through
  • Reflection on working for a client
  • Any other experiences that went through for making project work.

2x  Blogs Posts for each PORTFOLIO BUILDING TASK ( Study Task 2 ) 
  • Total of 6 posts
  • Evaluation & reflection on approach to brief
  • Relevance to how you are developing as an animator
  • Bullet point break downs of how you developed your idea.
  • Use images or test videos/animatics

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