Friday, 25 December 2015

Visual Language- Set/scene/Sequence-Studio Brief 1-6/24

Exploring Mediums& Characters

Realistic Bananas

These bananas i drew first as i wanted to capture what they looked like in a realistic way. This was showing that they looked like peeled, in a bunch and when sliced, so i could really understand their shapes, tones, colours, textures and sizes.

The top one is done in pen as i wanted to show tones and shading as well as texture which i have done with cross hatching and layering up the pen in areas that are darker. This could have been done better if i had used better paper as the type i was using took in no moisture from the pen so it didn't bleed or cover the paper as easily which would have made it look better.

The next one down is done in tonal pencil as i wanted to see how i could use the pencil to get the texture that you get on the inside of the peel, that is ridged and has lines going down the centre to each end.  I also added in the bruises and black marks so the skin it more accurate. I did like some of the effects i got using the pencil as it is easy to gain effects and shading that it could be harder using another medium.
The top banana is coloured pencil that is of a bunch so i could see how the colours could mould together as well as colours be shown. The shading on the underside and back bananas were golden brown as they needed to look more 3D and from the fruit i had seen, this was the colour it changed. I dont like the coloured pencil as i find it hard to merge the colours together fully so it looks smooth so in future i would use a different medium for this image so it can look more life like.

The banana pieces have been done in pen. As i only had brown tones, I have had to try to get it to look as much like banana as possible. This worked rather well as the lines and shading are very clear and make it look round. Although i would have changed the whole position, as it looks too much like it is floating and misplaced. This is why they dont look as realistic as possible.
The top one of these two is ball point pen. I found this medium good to add the scratchy texture of the skin but hard to get the tones light where they needed to be and getting the 3D effect needed for the pieces at the back. 

This bottom one is in watercolour and i liked the overall look because i could get the mixture of yellow, orange and brown tones throughout. This shape wasn't as realistic as the others but the overall look is because of the colours and bruises, and if the shape was a lot thinner at the top it would be more like the shape needed but i still think this style was a good one to try.

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