Sweet Cocoon
Sweet Cocoon is a short animation that was created in 2015 by ESMA is 2015 for SIGGRAPH which is a student competition on 3D animation and Graphics, to which this was an Oscar nominated short.
One thing i love about this animation is that it is a fun take on the butterfly metamorphosis cycle. Audiences form all ages can enjoy this type of animation as it is simple enough for children to understand and learn from but some of the humour can more be enjoyed from older people. The character design used for the insects are playful, colourful and cute which makes the main character more lovable so more people will grow attached to them and therefor the animation.
The type of animation used makes the whole world look full of texture, it also makes certain things look like they are made of Plasticine and have a shine to them.One thing i noticed and liked about this was the camera angles, they needed to show how small the insects were to they zoomed out and showed this whole massive scene so every viewed knew where it was set but how big everything is.
The character development this shows is quite big as the caterpillar turns into a butterfly. The development sadly carries on into the characters death but this animation still carries such an element of lightheartedness that the death is not overly sad which is why it is still good for children to enjoy.
The type of animation used makes the whole world look full of texture, it also makes certain things look like they are made of Plasticine and have a shine to them.One thing i noticed and liked about this was the camera angles, they needed to show how small the insects were to they zoomed out and showed this whole massive scene so every viewed knew where it was set but how big everything is.
The character development this shows is quite big as the caterpillar turns into a butterfly. The development sadly carries on into the characters death but this animation still carries such an element of lightheartedness that the death is not overly sad which is why it is still good for children to enjoy.
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