Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Studio Brief 1- Zero


 Zero is a very interesting animation that was created in 2011buy Jealous Creative and has won many awards for the message that it sends across. That everyone is worth something.

Zero in my view is about how out world runs and what happens when you are born in 'Classes'. First class is easy as you are born into wealth and therefore more opportunities which are represented at 9's. Middle class is the in-betweens, 5 is average where they are told you can only achieve so much and you will not have a fun interesting life really. And then there is Lower class, shown as 0's which means society thinks they are a waste so in this animation they are bullied and shunned.

The interesting use of material for the characters makes it good to get across their feelings and emotions though their eyebrows, eyes and body language. This is harder for the creators to do but has a good overall effect in the end. The use of string makes the characters seem sweet and cute as they are like dolls making them appeal to children as well as older people.

I think the audience is for older people though because i think a child would only be able to get so much from it, as its about segregation and isolation, older audiences will spot more and get a better understanding of the character and what he is feeling, but i feel anyone can understand the final message that everyone can accomplish anything so that is also why children would gain from watching an animation such as this one.

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