Friday, 6 November 2015

Studio Brief 4- Apply- Testing


As hand draw means you cannot see the overall finished animation till the end, i used a camera to take pictures and then uploaded them to Dragon Frame which put them all together. This is so i can see what i have been doing so far and what i need to look at.
This was my first test that was for the people running to each other as i wanted to see if my run cycle would work and look correct. I wasn't sure how it would turn out because it was a lot of frames yet still didn't take very long in seconds so i was hoping it wouldn't go too fast.

I this did turn out ok because i could see what was happening but also, i found i liked the ending where they come together because the male bends down slightly to meet her which i was hoping would come though and it does.

This was my second test that looked at the couple running to each other, when they spin and when they spin up and turn to liquid in a heart shape. I really liked doing the water aspect as i liked the fluid motion i was able to give it. I liked how it ended up as well as it moved at the right speed but you could also see the water splashes and the heart shape is very clear.

When i was using the camera, the way it was set up meant that it cut off the top section but since it was a test it didn't matter because i could still clearly see the whole thing but i will scan these images in when i am finished so the whole thing can be seen and the images wouldn't be drowned out by the light being too bright.
This is my final test as this is the end of my animation. This is where the couple re-emerge from the pool on the ground. I like how this turned out but i would have liked to see it without the light being to strong again but i still couldn't change the way it came out. This was still ok for the tests but i will now scan in the whole thing and then edit them in photoshop so i can make them look how i want.

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