Thursday, 12 April 2018

Extended Practice- Study task 1- Extended Brief- Artbook Practice

Extended Brief- 
Art-book Practice

In order to understand Art-books and how we need to set them out, as well as how to use Adobe InDesign, I went to the introduction classes. This really gave me an insight into how to use the software and what I could do for my book to make it uniform, attractive and interesting for the audience.

Before this class I made a simple layout on Powerpoint so I could look at what the different pages could look like all together. This is what I was planning on doing for the book but when in InDesign that may change as the grids and technology benefits could change this for the better.

I have chosen to do this book as Landscape not portrait as this works better for stop motion as a lot of the work included needs a wider page, not longer.

This will have a background image of a scene from within the shop.
 A double page spread of the character turnarounds.
 This is an introduction page where I can explain the book as well as they synopsis. It will go across from a set image.
 This page can then introduce the characters and their look in design form, as well as the puppets.
 For this section, I will be showing the initial concepts of the characters and how they got to where they are. This also includes why they look like they do in features, clothing and how this shows their personality.
 This is a further development page for the father.
 Now their are the pages for the daughter developments.
 Here I can now have a page of the two finished character side by side showing their size, as well as the head turnarounds.
 This is a sketch showing their exact size comparison that will be next to the characters and how they look when 3D.
 This section will be about concept design and how the set is going to look.
 This again is showing the concept of inside the shop.
 I have also added the shop sketches to this for the street designs.
 Now I am showing the street designs after showing the inside.
 On these 4 pages I am including the storyboard to inform the audience of the story in more detail with visuals.
 After all of these designs, I will be having pages on furniture, from drawings and how they now look as 3D objects of the set.

 Now I am including the pages of props and different items that have been made.
Finally I will have another finished image of the set overall.

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