Saturday, 28 April 2018

Extended Practice- Study task 1- Extended Brief- Issues and scene tests

Issues and scene tests

Animating really isn't a stage of this process that I enjoy. I thought it would be better as it is a story I came up with and developed, but it is just as hard and therefore is taking more and more time to get scenes correct.

Other issues & solutions have been:
  • Puppet hands breaking- Glued the fingers with super glue so they cant pop out more than they have.
  • Puppets eyebrows and eye lids wont stay put- Put eyebrows on spikes so they are attached, eye lids attached using Vaseline
  • Images look a bit weird- trying to do panning scenes for more movement
  • Scenes haven't gained the correct look- re-shot scenes where possible till happier with the result 
  • Daughter cannot stand too well- Tied down when possible/ using rig and not too many shots where bending down
  • Some shots have been changed to better show set, puppet and movements
These are some of the test shots I have not been happy with

This was the first behind scene, the flicker in the background was a bit too much to fix as I didn't know how to set up the camera and the desk moves a bit too much when he moves.
These two scenes were just to pan around when he was working but look too bumpy as the rig set up cannot move slowly enough even with small movements

These are the same, looked good when playing back on Dragon Frame but when looking again, both are just too clumsy.

This is a scene from where the dad was looking to see the neighbour next door but he looks too angry and moves too fast and wrong so the emotions are hard to pick up on.

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