Monday, 30 January 2017

Responsive- New Animation Challenge Ideas-Defeat

New Animation Challenge Idea

Do it in 10-Defeat

For this Do It In 10, the theme was Defeat. Straight away I wanted to do it about a Jousting match. Although horses can be a real struggle, I wanted to at least start sketching to see if they were something I could attempt. These images bellow are from history, showing jousting and how it used to be used for entertainment for royalty to enjoy.

This is a diagram from Eadweard Muybridge who I have studied in the past for his contributions to looking at movement and motion. As he did a lot of imagery for horses and how they walk and run, I will need to look at how a horse looks in the different positions as well as how the legs move and look.

This is a simplified version of his imagery showing just the horse and what his legs are doing at each point. This would make it easier when getting to animating as I can map out where the horse will move to next.

In the movie 'Knight's Tale' this angle is used often to create a dynamic overall look and show that each of the contestants are heading to the centre with their lances ready. If animation, I would have used this angle to create a visually interesting animation.
This was one of the initial sketches of a horse showing its movement and where its legs are going yet the head is too small so it throws of the overall look so would need to be improved.

These are two more sketches that I am a lot more proud of, they look more correct in terms of alikeness to actual horses. These were done so I can improve my drawing skills, so even if I cannot animate, I have still learned new talents. 
After looking into the history of how the lances used to look and the shapes of the shields, these would be the designs in the animation. The lance is simple yet follows the pattern many of the lances used to follow with the spiral effect and turreted end. The shield were designed to cover the body, yet leave room for the arm to come forward as this is where the lance comes across, so the body can be protected but the shield wont be in the way of the lance. It also has a very basic pattern as many were house sigils that tended to be simple or very complicated in design.
This is a basic design showing how the Knight comes along the fence and the other Knight comes towards him on the other side before they collide.
This was again all I wanted to do for this project as the time it would take to complete with the horse and Knights, it would exceed the allotted time for the competition. Yet it was interesting researching about jousting and how a horse moves and the movement that goes into their legs as they run which look very complicated before being simplified.

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