Tuesday 1 March 2016

Studio Brief 1- Another Dimension- Maya


 Keep on Trucking and Walk Cycle

Maya is a very difficult form of technology software to get used to and learn. I had not tried it till this module so it proved very hard to grasp. Apart from doing small tasks to get used to the buttons and trying out small object making, i had never tired to make anything, but as a task we were set to make a truck and an object of our choice. 

In the early stages of the truck, i struggle more with understanding what i needed to do for the front to create the slanted edge. The rest i managed to do in time but it took a long time to grasp what i needed to do and what stages needed following.

Here are the screenshots of the stages i took to create the final truck.

Sadly after doing this truck and completing it, i rendered it out in images from all angles and coloured it green. Yet it didn't save and neither did the images. I couldnt find them anywhere on my computer and didn't have time to redo the whole truck again, but hopefully these images will show how i did the truck and how it went.

As my extra object of choice, i designed a bottle of spray as it has many small cylinders within the structure that need building up to create the final piece. I found this a lot easier than following instructions, as i needed to think of the steps myself and find my own way to creating the final design. Here is the final piece next to a picture of the image i was modelling from and the item i tried making. In the future i do see myself using Maya again for either making scenes or items because it would be a great learning experience and would give a whole new look to the animation i produce.

This is my attempt at a walk cycle in Maya. I found this task very difficult as i couldn't grasp, the key body parts to move them, while trying to keyframe each movement. This made me very stressed, therefore making the task take longer and you can see in the end result, that it isn't as clean as i would have liked. I went for a more exaggerated movement overall so the character has more of a quirky personality just from the few seconds i created. This let me understand just how much the walk can tell about the character and their personalities. This also gave me a glimpse into what Maya can be used for and what could be accomplished in the next year.
i would like to retry this task in the future or over the holidays becuase i really did struggle with this and i wanst happy that i couldnt produce a full walk cycle. This would be a great thing to learn though as it is learning walk cycles, as well as being able to learn Maya.

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