Tuesday 15 March 2016

Visual Language- Set/scene/Sequence-Sequential Imagery and Drawing Practice-7-Michaela Pavlatova

Sequential Imagery and Drawing Practice:
Michaela Pavlatova

Michaela Pavlatova uses sequential imagery in her sketchbooks. I found these images in books that show some of her drawings and how she lays out her sketches and storyboards.

Even thought the way she draws is sketchy and using block colours, the way she sketches uses a lot more details. These images show detail and shading to show items and perspectives. She has then decided the timings at the bottom so when animating the images, she has a framework to follow.

In the industry there isn't always time to do detailed storyboards like these ones as thousands need to be created, yet because she does shorter animation they can be more detailed. She is also working alone on some of the projects so this also gives her the chance to do the work on her own terms and in her own aesthetic.

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