Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Studio Task 2- Environmental Storytelling- Animation Analysis 1

Animation Analysis- Kung Fu Panda

When given the brief we were shown what Environmental Storytelling is and Kung Fu Panda was mentioned as it had painted background so i researched more into this as i didn't know they were used within this movie. 

As you can see, they are so subtle in how they are used and designed so they add an incredible amount of depth within this movie because without them it would be hard for the artists to show how high up the mountains it is set.

This movie is set in China so the scenes are very oriental in the way they are done but the animated foreground doesn't look out of place like it can in some movies.The way the scenes in Kung Fu Panda are created, it uses fog to haze out the background so the foreground is the focus of the attention so it isn't too noisy for the audience. This also makes them look high up and far away so it is very effective.

When setting out the scenes, the composition is really taken into consideration as they are following the rule of thirds creating the main focal point to be in the centre or within the thirds so they really stand out. This is why the space of the scene is really important as it needs to hold the attention of the viewers and make it look visually better, compared to if they were always in the corner of the shots.

The lighting of these scenes show a lot of warmth and softness as they were so high up so it was all saturated in the clouds. This created a really stunning overall visual, as it softened the characters and the style became more dainty and subtle.

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