Monday, 25 January 2016

Visual Language- Study Task 2 - Captain Character- 2/3rd's, T-Pose and Pose References

2/3rd's, T-Pose and Pose References

This is one of the important sheets that is needed when designing a character. This lets you see different angles of the same character so it is easier when animating them and converting them to being 3 dimensional. I am happy with how this page turned out as it really shows what my character looks like and how tall they need to be. As it shows, this is the front, back side and 3/4 views. These are done in pen so i could make all of the details stand out and make the character easier to see and show the detailing on the clothing. I have not done these in colour as i have not done enough testing on my characters colours and which would look best on her so this will be a step i need to do in the future.

From doing this stage i have been able to show the people seeing my character, what dimensions she has and how she would look if she were to be made 3d. This was such a crucial stage for this and i will defiantly do this for every character i design in the future as you cant animate a good character without first looking at the width and height of what your making.
This T-Pose is so you can see the front and back views of the character and what they look like in a basic pose. I also used this when designing to make sure the arm length is the correct length for the body size and so they dont end up too short because when i first sketched it out, it ended up looking wrong. I also used this to help me get used to drawing my character because i find it difficult to draw things the same over and over again, so this whole project is a good practice for this problem.
This page shows different key poses for my character. As she is a warrior she needed her weapons in some and in the top right, she is just sitting down to show how her body looks in different positions. I need to do more of these poses as she needs to have more battle poses and to show more of her for references. This again can help me get used to drawing her over and over again to get used to the size she is, her features and outfits. These include her in a more casual outfit thats under her armour which i still need to draw so people seeing it can see what she is like out of her outfit. This is also needed to show she is female as some cant really tell with her battle dress on so this lets people see.

After the work so far, i still need to do emotions, her casual outfit and colour so i can really show what she looks like at all times no matter what she's doing. I will also do another page of poses so i can show more on her movements. The reason for these pages are so if i were to animate her, i would have these to reference for how the body moves and looks like in different perspectives.

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