Monday, 25 January 2016

Visual Language- Study Task 2 - Captain Character- Peer Assessment

Peer Assessed on the Task so Far

Concept/Idea and Content of the work:
When seeing all of my work people liked the unique style, poses and the outfit. I found this good feedback as i was not sure if others would like the character and i dont know what my style looks like so it was good to know others can see it. I will use all of this feedback in my next project to try to do more of what they like, like poses, designs and originality, so they can like the next design too.
Visual quality and Presentation of the work:
The bottom feedback said that the visual quality was great but that i needed to include more colour. I completely agree with this and it was going to be the next thing i was to do as you cant fully see a character until they are fully rendered and finished in their final colours and designs. As well as that comment one said the clothes were interesting and the other liked the armour so i am confident in my choice of character outfits.
Comments or Advise:
I found this section to be the most useful because the reason to peer assess, is so show people what you have done so they can tell you how to improve it and what work to do to make it better. To make it easier for me to see what improvements people wanted me to do, I circled the advise that shows the next steps i will do to make my character look better and have more variations. Colour was mentioned in the section above so this is something i will defiantly do after this. Another was more poses. I said in a previous post that i wanted to do more so this was further advise telling me they would like to see my character in different ways.

Expressions is another section i really need to do so i can show what my characters face looks like at different stages of feelings. As well as colour some said show her in digital. I really want to do this as it will show me another version of her so it will be good to see, especially if this is in colour too. I will do this on Photoshop so i can change the colour slightly for shading and to make her look more 3D.

Overall this was very helpful for me as now i can use this as a form of tick list so i know what people want me to do and what needs doing for my character to be as good as she can be. I will now go on to do these and progress on with the character i have designed.

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