Friday, 17 March 2017

Applied Animation- Storyboard, Anamatic & Concept Design- Week 4

Storyboard, Anamatic & Concept Design- 

Week 4

When we met up this week, we wanted to get ahead and stay on top of the tasks, so by the time the presentation came, we had all of the work done and animatic complete.

This is the rough storyboard we created together to get our story sorted. It was important to us that we do this stage together as we needed to share our thoughts so we could be completely happy with our overall story. This was the stage in which we could go into more detail with our story and the layout of the stages. This is like the motions of the Orangutan's, the smoke coming in and the set designs. Slight colour was added to show the leaves changing colours as well as any details that needed to stand out.

Overall this was very useful and let us move onto the next stages quicker and with no arguments between us as everything has been discussed. Emma is now going to go ahead and complete the digital version of the storyboards so I can do the animatic.
This is our storyboard in colour that emma produced. This let us understand more of the scenes and visualise what we were going to produce. As I am doing the set, this is something I will be evolving within the animatic as I want sure this was the best way to show the Orangutan's nests as it just looks like leaves. This is useful to show people what we are planning to do with the packets and how the leaves are going to change over time.
As the storyboards end with going to black, it makes the realisation of what is happening to Orangutan's more prominent. This is where we will be hitting the audience with hard facts that will hopefully make a difference and make people think about the products they are using and the effect of what is happening in other countries.

Here is the slogan and poster that is used by campaigns to show the animal effected and how they are being wiped out. Our tutor did bring up that it may not be ok to use this slogan in our animation but I think it furthers the campaigns cause and how people are trying to help. We are going to ask the Orangutan Foundation if it is ok to use though, as it is completely fine if we cant but confirmation from them would be good to have, as it would double as their concept with the project as a whole.
The slogan would, if we got the ok, go at the end. It would be after all of the slides, facts and be the last thing the audience will see. As the animation ends with smoke rising into the tree from the rainforest being burned down, I am adding a crackling sound into the animatic so the sound of fire is really deep and makes people think about what is happening in other countries at this moment.
This is a screenshot from my process doing the animatic. As you can see, I have worked out scene length with Emma's storyboard, so not I am using it as a template to work on and figure out what the scenes look like in more detail. As this is an animatic, it is to let people understand what our animation is about in more detail. This is why I am keeping it mostly monotone so the detail can be understood and the movements are what it is trying to show.

I remember what was said in the first year where an animatic needs to show movement, this is why you cant just use storyboard boards as the final image. I will be working hard to show as much movement as I can before our presentation in a few weeks, as we will need to have all of our pre-production complete, ready to start production.
This is the mood board I made to let me understand what orangutan nests look like in more detail. This was when I was designing the structures but not looking into the cinematography, I can see how it looks and how I need to make it look to add depth and layers. I did this by looking at and taking inspiration from Tarzan, this is because for a short scene, they were in a tree, but for one of the frames, there was a thick branch going across the front and this really inspired me to set the camera in a way that does this as it draws the eye into the nest I am designing and the scene will flow and look deeper when the character are within it.
This will be the first scene showing the tree. In our song/ poem that will run alongside this animation as narration telling the audience about the facts, It shows the tree as tall and large so this is why the tree is centred. I have written basic instructions to myself. This is so I can remember what needs to move and where.
This is Stacey's song she has written as she can sing and provide the audio when we need it. This will be telling facts as we want to make sure our animated documentary is in fact a documentary so we will be trying to tell the audience as many facts as possible.

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