Tuesday 21 March 2017

Responsive Collaboration- More Research into Theme & Cards

Responsive Collaboration- 
More Research into Theme & Cards

When looking into cards, of any kind, the children's versions always end up more simple and easier to understand. I have researched this thought, by finding differences between adult playing cards and the ones for children as it becomes clearer what children are interested in looking at and what they like to see.

Here below, you can see the clear difference between adult cards and the ones for children. Colour is a main selling point for children, it is what catches their eye and makes them want to buy or play with certain products. This is why the BEAR cards are so popular with children, as they are colourful, bold, bright, and teach them facts in a really fun way so they dont feel it is a chore.

Our theme, being about phobias, needed research into real people to see what kids are afraid of. Questionnaires are good to gain a response from people about what they were afraid of when they were young which is why we asked Illustration to fill out the questionnaire to see what their fears were as children.

Some of them were normal but others were more irrational fears, but this was all useful as it shows that as children, not all of their fears can be explained and they just have to work though them. 

The 5 most common were death, fire, heights, vampires and the spiders. As our original themes were snakes, spiders, heights, cats and dogs and clowns. This showed we should change some of the results. As they are for children we didn't want to do anything too scary. This is why we have chosen to do spiders, snakes, dogs, clowns and vampires as our 5 final designs.

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